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Tender Writing

From 16+, Supported Living to Residential and Day care, our consultants are experienced at writing many successful tenders for some of the UK's leading care providers.


CQC Compliance

New applications, changes to Registration, ensuring that you are meeting the KLOE's and developing your understanding around evidencing best practice and traversing the Road to Outstanding.


Quality Assurance

Auditing is a key part of quality assurance, mock KLOE audits, deep dive audits in Support plans, Risk assessments or Health and Safety. Using a 'Critical Friend' to highlight issues and put them right before formal regulatory inspection.


Business Development & Start Ups

Whether you need support with business planning, marketing or understanding a new market of care, we can help.

We work with many new businesses  looking to take a leap into what seems to be unknown, let us help you to prepare and tackle this new challenge.



Using our years of experience to guide you in whatever area you need, we have experience of developing and improving Organisations across the country, using this experience we can help you overcome your current troubles.



We run regular training courses on Tender Writing, Understanding Supported Living and the Road to Outstanding.

These will resume once restrictions are lifted.

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